Vincent Suspension

12 Aug 2022 11:33 #369850 by Rosalyn J
Vincent Suspension was created by Rosalyn J
Good Morning

This is to inform you that Vincent has been suspended by vote through Council and may reapply for reinstatement in six months. These are the reasons:

1. Vincent accused the Head Moderator (Zero) of wrongfully banning his student Natedog, a novice he was helping as part of the IP Team. Natedog was placed on a time out for three days for violating the moderation guidelines (name calling). Natedog completed his time out and returned to the temple. When the Head Moderator reached out to Vincent to explain as a courtesy, he was blocked.
2. Vincent continues to blame Zero for banning his “student”. As an IP sponsor, Vincent has been informed multiple times that he is not a teacher, that teaching is not the mission of the IP team, and that he does not have students. IP Team Leads reached out to explain this as well as his former TM Pastor Carlos. Failing to engage in the IP team appropriately is unofficial teaching
3. Vincent continues to blame Zero for Aqua’s removal which is something that I, Rosalyn J, did per his last request to me to be removed after many attempts of communication with him
4. Vincent blocked many of the Council, Officers and Knights, preventing them from reaching out regarding any behavior including the Head Moderator and Assistant Head Moderator/Vice President of Membership Affairs.
5. He dissolved his apprenticeship with Pastor Carlos and indicated he no longer wanted to be a part of the Temple. Before this, Vincent spoke with Carlos about his concerns and Carlos had attempted to work with him regarding his feelings to no avail.
6. He returned shortly after the Head Moderator, Zero was elected to Council. He accused the Head Moderator of many things: “leading people to ban”, “radical ways of communication” and bullying in a letter sent to BrJohn, President and Founder of the Order. Members also volunteered that they were being privately messaged by Vincent with this information as well. We want to iterate that we are not punishing anyone speaking with Vincent. Council has reviewed all actions taken by Zero as they happened. We find Vincent’s claims to be without evidence
7. Recently, Vincent attempted to incite others to act based on false information:
That “Council was not listening”
That Zero is bullying people and unfairly banning people
8. Vincent did not follow the chain of command to get his concerns addressed

Council had to come to a difficult decision and that was that at present, the Temple is not the best place for him. As I said in the introduction, this is a six month suspension.

May the Force be with You All

Rosalyn J

Pax Per Ministerium

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