Hits: 7281

"Stop and smell the roses"


You know, its 10:05pm, Sunday evening...

I plumb forgot to finish writing a sermon this week...

I have a subject, as shown by the title, but, believe it or not, I was actually "stopping, and smelling the roses"....

I had a busy weekend...

Had to take the wife to the salon, belt testing for my students, and a family shindig on Saturday....

Today, picked up the yard, went got gas for the mowers, mowed, grocery shopping, then to another store for grocery shopping... Toys 'R's Us (clearly the stop here was not long enough!) for a birthday present for a niece, then party for the niece, home, then K-Mart for some quick shopping, then home to grill some brats, some pork chops, and a coupla dogs....


Not to mention the visiting TOTJO, words with friends, facebook, demotivational and fml site visits....

Now this sounds pretty busy, and granted, it is...

But, I was 'there'....

In the moment, the 'Now's...

I was at the stores, I was at the testing, I was paying attention at the family get together...

I noticed the way the grass moved as I mowed it, how the snake tried to stay ahead of me as I caught him, and released him in an already mowed area... The decor at my cousin's house, the toys at the niece's house... The squirrels feeding on the corn and the peanuts after we were done mowing...

Sigh... It was great....

Make sure, as you go through your day, your week, your life, to pay attention to as much as you can...

I'm not perfect at it, but as I reflect on my weekend, it was GREAT....

Nothing spectacular, nothing earth shattering....

Just a good weekend...

I hope yours was too....

May the Force be with You....