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Well, I been pondering my duties lately...

Not just my duties to TOTJO, the Family, the Kids, my Students....

No, the one I have been thinking about is my co-worker... My duty to him...

He is 20 years older then me... And he does his best to keep up with me...

There are times where, when we are working side by side, he has to slow down... There are times when I think he is goofing off...  When, or rather how do I know which, is which?

I don't really care, I work as hard as I can, while I can, and when I need a break, I take one...

I have just been thinking about it...

I feel my duty is to take care of him.... He is my Senior in life... I should muscle the larger portion of the physical labor, as he should have done when he was my age, working with the 'old timers' of that time period...

Yet sometimes, I feel like he is taking advantage of me... Most of the time, he will ask me, which position I prefer, such as digging in the hole, or operating the equipment... I almost always take the harder part of the job... When I do not, I feel guilty for not taking it... But sometimes, I feel he is taking advantage of that fact...

I came to the realization the other day, that not only is taking care of him, doing the harder part of the physical labor... But, it also includes making him do some of it as well... Otherwise, he will get no exercise, and like our supervisor, when he HAS to do some actual work, he will be winded too quickly...

I do not have the answer, but, it is something I have been pondering...

What is my duty to him?

There is a fine line between coddling, and helping... being taken advantage of, and truly being being needed...

It would be hard to be taken advantage of, if you give everything...

I guess, honestly, I just need to do my best, make the best decisions possible...

Have a great day....

May the Force be with You...