Aqua`s Art Gallery

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29 Nov 2014 18:41 #171905 by
Aqua`s Art Gallery was created by
Hi peeps,

Today I want to I introduce my personal ''Art Gallery''. This is a place for my signatures and art. I make signatures for quite a long time and I would like to offer my small personal ''service'' to members of our community. :-d If people would like to have a forum sig, they can contact me by using a private message on the board.

Here is some work of the last nine months, This is not everything.. But it should be good enough to make a impression!

Happy Watching,


A edit in the face:

My personal signatures:


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17 Jan 2016 10:49 #222354 by
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22 Jan 2016 09:12 #223491 by
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At home we did have some old frames that would be thrown away municipality yard.. I will put this on my wall soon :woohoo: So.. people do not like paint, only hand work and to little options :blink:

~ Aqua

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07 Feb 2016 23:35 #227019 by
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My new signature, with the text: ,,Discipulus de V'' Means ''Student/companion of V''. Discipulus is the male latin word for student. I hope I wrote it correctly, not 100% sure, but I like the Idea though! Worked this out after I wrote the poem.. :blush:

Force shine with you all,

~ Aqua

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10 Feb 2016 00:32 #227553 by
Replied by on topic Aqua`s Art Gallery
My poems, become visible for all to read ones more! :blush:

Aqua wrote:

The seperation of the stone drop:

small drop of stone, shall see you fly
beautiful stone drop, not too high
trough clouds and mist boiled you go
smash down my lovely little stone drop
you warm up, I cool down

rain comes
and you must go
my time begins, my path opens
bring my warmth, feed the earth
fire mouth shall roar
Aqua, 19-01-2016

Aqua wrote:

Stars do not shine in moonlight:

light falls darkness comes, earth turns moon awakes
day moves on, stars shall answer
in our togetherness all will bring light
do not shine moon of the night
many who shine, now are fading

action reaction
find cause justice answers
light makes darkness, seeker shall answer
he who blame, will do understand
abuse of circadian gone
Aqua, 20-01-2016

Aqua wrote:

The inner realm of mist and dew in the morning glow:

fog cover the ground, you see we are
dream plane come, take it back
my mist of dreams floating low today
you see and walk only feeling more
the dew reflects, you are blinded

you walk
and we with you
in mist realms, none shall see
Sky will fall, ground be shattered
a morning has begun
Aqua, 21-01-2016

Aqua wrote:

Building a iceberg

cold floating forgotten mountain, mirrors and green light
what is asked, is a sword
create glacier that consist day and knight
create an iceberg of calm floating twilight
an unfamiliar path, my little fjord

past future
and future in past
let me see, without a light
let me make, without a source
blizzard give me strength
Aqua, 22-01-2016

Aqua wrote:

Owls new lightning home:

Seed drops in ground, tree comes up straight
tree makes seeds, seeds drop hard
little tree grows bigger and much bigger
lightning hits and tree splits in two
a owl comes, new home found

longhorn beetle
tree becomes very thin
tree snaps hard, owl wakes up
oh my tree, gone and lost
owl flies lightning comes
Aqua, 23-01-2016

Aqua wrote:

Origin of the war of concrete and iron:

fire hard and laud, iron shall meet fire
who are we, who were we
our concrete comes forth out our past
our past comes forth out our concrete
my time concrete, my live concrete

let go
I move on now
let it be, broken and shattered
come my iron, come my city
siege shall be ended
Aqua, 24-01-2016

Aqua wrote:

My dodo does not fly anymore:

my dearest lovely dodo, you are so fluffy
small big bird, so extremely cute
come from across the line of time
you are ageless and o so nice
where are you, lost little bird

come back
do not stay away
stretch you wings, loose your mind
improve the brain, fly in time
O.. my.. do.. do..
Aqua, 25-01-2016

Aqua wrote:

The chronicles of the lost ''Smurf''

you are looking up, I do not notice
your scream laud, still not notice
you start waiting with very much patience
no person understands and all walk past
look at me, look at me

I smurf
you smurf with me
here a boat, do not sink
here a talk, translate it well
sinking smurf gone forever
Aqua, 26-01-2016

Aqua wrote:

The howling poem of words:

words letters phrases books, romans stories articles quotes
say the sound, howl of words
what would happen if he would do
what would happen if he should do
why asking this, why wanting tis

my poem
my dearest howling poem
terror trough discussion, inner voice screams
willing to kill, can not be
no person is someone
Aqua, 26-01-2016

Aqua wrote:

The game of Black and White:

Big green grass field, small stone city square
Road of dirt, road of nothing
can my path walk on two roads?
will my ears hear the different sounds?
All are errors, none are true

both gone
field gone, square gone
nothing comes twice, everything comes twice
nothing is gone, everything is gone
my black and white
Aqua, 27-01-2016

Aqua wrote:

The high forest crawls up the mountain peak

late snowy smoky mountain, cold forest crawls up
big oak creaks, small wind comes
there you go grand forest of fun
go to unknown to crawl so fast
make a joke, crown of earth

the peak
adorable big small peak
what is there, my funny forest
crawl so high, find the top
let the force shine
Aqua, 27-01-2016

Aqua wrote:

The crown of the honey bee:

Edge of the known, where does it go
top the crown, nothing is there
bee will go from flower to flower
we do not ask do not know
a needle bee, oh honey bee

my honey
how to get it
we fly high, we fly dry
this is mine, but not yours
we keep the honey
Aqua, 28-01-2016

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10 Feb 2016 00:36 #227557 by
Replied by on topic Aqua`s Art Gallery

Aqua wrote:

Emptiness of the dancing walls:

there is a wall, there is no end
no road sign, only my fog
end of my road dances away fast
try to move try to step away
but I cannot, mist is strong

why why
is there a understanding
is the path, without a wall
road of cliffs, road of mysteriousness
find me dancing mist
Aqua, 30-010-2016

Aqua wrote:

Open window of words:

my gab of nothing, my wood and glass
so many choices, my precious window
shall I build you with strained glass
steel wood and nails and old paint
how to close, how to open

weird window
where is your key
i can feel, draft is coming
where to place, where build you
many rooms one window
Aqua 31-01-2016

Aqua wrote:

Kite of reminding:

a fast reminder came, a quick response made
hide quick now, mind runs away
what a way display a small delay
delay of mind and of unknown words
do not hide, do not run

stay here
mind about the known
always remind yourself, never look down
kite of dreams, give your ropes
and give me wings
Aqua, 1-2-2016

Aqua wrote:

Sheep runs loud for cheap corn:

come come sheepish sheep, where is the grass?
seek the sheepish, seek the grass
sheep looks left and then looks right
cross the road goes the sheepish sheep
my grass trimmer, hit the road

gnawing time
happy sheep hits field
grass is gone, field is empty
sheep walks back, corn is sown
that is cheap corn!
Aqua, 2-2-2016

Aqua wrote:

Sedimentation of the river will:

my river of corrosion, my will of sedimentation
I shall turn, I shall obay
none shall fear the stream of streams
the ocean dynamics will feel my influence
my small cloud, hold not back

let me
bring me one monsoon
lets bring sedimentation, bend my cloud
give me floodplains, I will flow
no embankment shall hold
Aqua, 3-2-2016

Aqua wrote:

The paint of life:

I melt in sunlight, I freeze during winter
let me levitate, of the grass
make the clouds and the halo light
come together lets paint the mountains white
my inner water, my outer temprature

life paint
how to I draw
the mountain snow, the calm river
both come together, rise my drops
let both be evaporated
Aqua, 4-2-2016

Aqua wrote:

The mind of a Seagull:

wind of the ocean, come to my coast
big rocks smile, ocean smiles back
seagull flies over and lands on rock
water splashing up behind the tired seagull
capture the moment, beauty of now

strong seagull
wet rock asked him
horizon is changing, splashing will return
I am here, you are here
mind now seagull spoke
Aqua, 5-2-2016

Aqua wrote:

Sound of silent questions:

Layers are always together, like wood an glue
mixing the paint, coloring the fabric
it is within duality that we shine
it is without understanding that we grow

how how
can we truly grow?
smile and cry, sound and silence
chaos and harmony, nothing else needed
crying questions smile silent
Aqua, 6-2-2016

Aqua wrote: For today a double poem..

Nocturnal ray of the last moon:

My unknown moon shines, dark sunset comes soon
were are you, my night candle
in the light of the last stars
I shall bring out my lonly supernova
my brightest sunset, my darkest night

shape me
my candle of questions
show ones more, my noctural moon
bend my river, polish my stones
icicle of night shattered

How shall I become?, bird flies away fast
shadow of nothing, gab of darkness
let me make some unknown steps now
give me my candle for the night
asked to walk, asked one night

my candle
burn for me tonight
aequilibrium of moons, nocturnal unknown stream
show the horizon, line of none
shine in my candle
Aqua, 7-2-2016

Aqua wrote:

The tree of immortal seeds:

A field between mountains, warm summer shall come
the lonely tree, the ancient tree
a dwarf asked the tree one day:
how did to grow so giantic big?
only rustling leaves, only the seeds

immortal owl
where are your seeds?
no one knows, except the seeds
dwarf asked owl, owl smiles back
listening to the leaves
Aqua, 7-02-2016

Aqua wrote:

Flow of the movement:

How do we move, how do we stay
looking to right, forgetting the left
read my words and my doings now
ask me small journal please me how
request to move, request to say

my journal
do not walk away
my small roots, my own imperfection
do not leave, stay longer please
bend now with me
Aqua, 8-02-2016

Aqua wrote:

Family bird of the parallel dimension:

F ly fly fly fly, you never get tired
sit on branch, sleepy all day
you do fly upside down downside up
lonely lost bird of the dimension mirror
show your path, to the nest

Family owl
why so far away
far above clouds, realms of men
the lonly nest, of thousand eggs
all hatch ones again
Aqua, 8-02-2016

Aqua wrote:

Clock Clock Clock..:

U nseen and very unknown, that weird thingy thing
I say mindings, you not understand
my words of weirdness play with me
Small words make unknown fun and smiles
why not change, why not remove?

my don`t
how can you be
write my words, write my soul
terror is gone, hold not back
empty your nothing tonight!
Aqua, 9-02-2016

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10 Feb 2016 13:00 #227622 by
Replied by on topic Aqua`s Art Gallery
Turn of the burned forest:

l ightning comes with clouds, shiny clouds of old
show your ax, fall fall fall..
forest of deer boar and goats gone
source of questions a well of life
gone in ash, gone in time

single seed
left in the ground
please come out, eat the ash
build the roots, remove the deep
questions will come back
Aqua, 10-02-2016

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11 Feb 2016 06:32 - 11 Feb 2016 06:33 #227786 by
Replied by on topic Aqua`s Art Gallery
Big stones in sky not have shadow only:

S hine is coming down, where are my vibrations
stairs of heaven, not be found
vibrations do want to be materialized
my inner light only travels for eternity
can there be, a true darkness?

my stone
my invisible stone rock
do not cry, do not laugh
do not seek, you will find
force shine with you
Aqua, 11-02-2016
Last edit: 11 Feb 2016 06:33 by .

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12 Feb 2016 11:32 - 12 Feb 2016 11:33 #228144 by
Replied by on topic Aqua`s Art Gallery
Resonance morning:

T he morning awakes early, birds started to sing
behind the sky, a deep mirror
under the stars comes the brightest light
unknown source sings laud and in irony
not known sound, not known origin

my day
a sunset walks past
I stand still, do not move
my only day, walks not away
the sound resonance comes
Aqua, 12-02-2016
Last edit: 12 Feb 2016 11:33 by .

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14 Feb 2016 09:35 #228458 by
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Clock of the moving solstice birds:

S leep wake up now, make your meal now
go downstairs now, watch tv now..
a huge clock with to many hours
what should I do my hour clock?
night comes soon, new chance comes

bird movement
always in the sky
bird can fly, bird can swim
walk under water, so much fun
what will bird do?
Aqua, 14-2-2016

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