Library - Grabbag of Occult Literature 1
04 Nov 2007 22:42 #8834
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Library - Grabbag of Occult Literature 1 was created by
You have all this to look forward to:
* A Borgia - Life in the World Unseen.pdf
* A Course on Tarot Divination.txt
* A Practical Guide to Witchcraft and Magick Spells.pdf
* A Reformed Druid Anthology - 02 - Books of the Apocrypha.pdf
* A Reformed Druid Anthology - 03 - Books of the Liturgy.pdf
* A Reformed Druid Anthology - 04 - Laws, Trivia and Calendars.pdf
* A Reformed Druid Anthology - 06 - The Green Books.pdf
* A Reformed Druid Anthology - 08 - A General History.pdf
* A Reformed Druid Anthology - 09 - The Books of the Latter Day Reformed Druids.pdf
* Al Azif - The Necronomicon.pdf
* Albert Pike - Morals and Dogma.rar
* Aleister Crowley - Collected Works, Volume I, Part 1.txt
* Aleister Crowley - Collected Works, Volume I, Part 2.txt
* Aleister Crowley - Collected Works, Volume I, Part 3.txt
* Aleister Crowley - Collected Works, Volume II, Part 1.txt
* Aleister Crowley - Collected Works, Volume II, Part 2.txt
* Aleister Crowley - Collected Works, Volume II, Part 3.txt
* Aleister Crowley - Collected Works, Volume III, Part 1.txt
* Aleister Crowley - Collected Works, Volume III, Part 2.txt
* Aleister Crowley - Collected Works, Volume III, Part 3.txt
* Aleister Crowley - Magic Without Tears.pdf
* Aleister Crowley - Magick in Theory & Practice.pdf
* Aleister Crowley - Meditation.pdf
* Aleister Crowley - The Necronomicon.pdf
* Alexandrian Book of Shadows.pdf
* Alice Bailey - Initiation Human and Solar.doc
* Alice Bailey - Letters on Occult Meditation.doc
* Alice Bailey - Light of the Soul.doc
* Alice Bailey - Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle.pdf
* Ambrose Bierce - The Devil's Dictionary.pdf
* Andrew Jackson Davis - Death and the After- Life.pdf
* Anonymous - Chaldean Oracles.pdf
* Anonymous - Etheric Vision and What It Reveals.pdf
* Anonymous - The Mystical Qabala.pdf
* Antoine Joseph Pernety - The Great Art.pdf
* Anton LaVey - Satanic Bible.pdf
* Ars Notoria - The Notary Art of Solomon.pdf
* Arthur Conan Doyle - Pheneas Speaks.pdf
* Arthur Conan Doyle - The History of Spiritualism I.pdf
* Arthur Conan Doyle - The History of Spiritualism II.pdf
* Arthur Conan Doyle - The New Revelation & Vital Message.pdf
* Arthur E Powell - The Causal Body & The Ego.pdf
* Arthur E Powell - The Etheric Double - The Health Aura of Man.pdf
* Arthur E Powell - The Mental Body.pdf
* Arthur E Waite - The Book of Ceremonial Magick.pdf
* Arthur E. Waite - Templar Orders in Freemasonry.pdf
* Arthur Edward Waite - The Pictorial Key to the Tarot.pdf
* Astrologers and Their Creed.pdf
* Benjamin Rowe - Enochian Magick Reference.pdf
* Bertrand Russell - A Free Man's Worship.pdf
* Book of Thoth.pdf
* C Hammond - Light from the Spirit World.pdf
* Cassandra Eason - A Practical Guide to Witchcraft and Magic .pdf
* Charles Fort - The Book of the Damned.pdf
* Charles G Leland - Ariadia or a Gospel of the Witches.pdf
* Charlotte Fell Smith - John Dee.pdf
* Christine Payne Towler - The Continental Tarots.pdf
* Clyde Irion - The Profit and Loss of Dying.pdf
* Continental Tarots.pdf
* Dame Gabby - A Tarot History Timeline.pdf
* Daniel Min - Interlinear Apocalypse.pdf
* Daniel Min - Planetary Awareness Technique.pdf
* David Blaine - Magic Revealed.pdf
* David Blaine - Magic Secrets.pdf
* David Blaine - Street Magic Revealed.pdf
* Dictionary of Celtic Mythology.chm
* Dion Fortune - Psychic Self Defense.pdf
* Dion Fortune - The Machinery of the Mind.pdf
* Druidism - Three Green Books.pdf
* E. E. Rehmus - The Magician's Dictionary.doc
* Eliphas Levi - Dogma Et Rituel Part I.pdf
* Eliphas Levi - Dogma Et Rituel Part II.pdf
* Eliphas Levi - The Key of the Mysteries.pdf
* Emanuel Swedenborg - Heaven and Hell.pdf
* Enochian Magick Reference.pdf
* Francis King - Technics of High Magic.pdf
* G. de Purucker - Occult Glossary.pdf
* Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz - Discourse On Metaphysics.lit
* Harun Yahya - Some Secrets of the Quran.pdf
* Harun Yahya - The Alliance of The Good.pdf
* Harun Yahya - The Day of Judgment.pdf
* Helen Blavatsky - The Secret Doctrine.pdf
* Helena Blavatsky - Anthropogenesis.pdf
* Helena Blavatsky - Cosmogenesis.pdf
* Helena Blavatsky - Nightmare Tales.pdf
* Helena Blavatsky - Occultism.pdf
* Helena Blavatsky - The Key To Theosophy.pdf
* Henry Cornelius Agrippa - Of Geomancy.pdf
* Henry Cornelius Agrippa - The 1st Book of Occult Philosophy.pdf
* Henry Cornelius Agrippa - The 2nd Book of Occult Philosophy.pdf
* Henry Cornelius Agrippa - The 3rd Book of Occult Philosophy.pdf
* Herbert S. Redgrove - Alchemy Ancient and Modern.pdf
* Illuminatus Trilogy.txt
* Intro To Tarot.pdf
* Introduction to the Tarot.doc
* J Farmer - 'Twixt Two Worlds.pdf
* J.F.C. Fuller - Secret Wisdom of the Qabalah.pdf
* John Dee - Primus.pdf
* John Dee - Secundus.pdf
* John Dee - Tertius.pdf
* John Yarker - The Arcane Schools.pdf
* Joseph J. Williams - Voodoos and Obeahs.doc
* Joseph Smith - The Book of Mormon.txt
* L.M. Bazett - Beyond the Five Senses.pdf
* Learning the tarot Spreads.pdf
* Magic and Spells.pdf
* Magick - The Library Of Knowledge.pdf
* Magick - The Order of the GBG.pdf
* Manly P Hall - The Secret Teachings of All Ages.pdf
* Maragret Vivian - The Doorway.pdf
* Margaret A Murray - The God of the Witches.pdf
* Mathers Tarot.pdf
* Max Heindel - Ancient and Modern Initiation.pdf
* Max Heindel - Message of the Stars.pdf
* Max Heindel - Teachings of an Initiate.pdf
* Min's Compleat Tarot Manual.pdf
* Min's Compleat Tarot Pak.pdf
* Min's Historical Calendar Of Jesus.pdf
* Min's Interlinear Apocalypse.pdf
* Min's Interlinear Nostradamus.pdf
* Min's Judicial Horoscopes.pdf
* Min's Light & Sound.pdf
* Min's Planetary Awareness Technique.pdf
* Occult - QBL or The Brides Reception.pdf
* Owen - Life Beyond the Veil vol 1.pdf
* Owen - Life Beyond the Veil vol 2.pdf
* Owen - Life Beyond the Veil vol 3.pdf
* Owen - Life Beyond the Veil vol 4.pdf
* Paul Foster Case - Introduction to the Study of the Tarot.pdf
* Phylos - A Dweller on Two Planets.pdf
* Randall - The Dead Have Never Died.pdf
* Reformed Druids - Anthology 02 Books of the Apocrypha.pdf
* Reformed Druids - Anthology 03 Books of the Liturgy.pdf
* Reformed Druids - Anthology 04 Laws, Trivia and Calendars.pdf
* Reformed Druids - Anthology 06 The Green Books.pdf
* Reformed Druids - Anthology 07 Miscellany.pdf
* Reformed Druids - Anthology 08 A General History.pdf
* Reformed Druids - Anthology 09 The Books of the Latter Day Reformed Druidss.pdf
* Reformed Druids - Anthology 10 Oral Histories.pdf
* Richard Alan Miller - Magical and Ritual Uses of Common Herbs.pdf
* Robert Peterson - Out of Body Experiences.pdf
* Rudolf Steiner - An Outline of Occult Science.pdf
* Rudolf Steiner - Knowledge of the Higher Worlds.doc
* Rudolf Steiner - Outline of Occult Science.pdf
* Rudolf Steiner - The Philosophy of Spritual Activity.doc
* S. L. MacGregor Mathers - The Tarot.pdf
* Sacred Texts - The Internet Book of Shadows.pdf
* Secret Wisdom of the Qabalah (Password - artephius).pdf
* St. John of the Cross - Dark Night of the Soul.pdf
* Tarot Book.pdf
* Tarot History.pdf
* Tarot Spells.rtf
* The Alexandrian Book Of Shadows.pdf
* The Book of Ceremonial Magick.pdf
* The Egyptian Book of the Dead.pdf
* The Egyptian Revival.pdf
* The Greater Key of Solomon - Book 1.pdf
* The Greater Key of Solomon - Book 2.pdf
* The Greater Key of Solomon - Order of the Pentacles.pdf
* The Kolbrin Bible- Books 1 to 5.doc
* The Lesser Key of Solomon - The 1st Book of the Lemegeton.pdf
* The Lesser Key of Solomon - The 2nd Book of the Lemegeton.pdf
* The Library of Knowledge - Occult Magic.pdf
* The Life Power.pdf
* The New Book of Runes.pdf
* The Roots of Witchcraft.pdf
* The Sacred Magic of Abramelin Book 1 & Intro.pdf
* The Sacred Magic of Abramelin Book 2.pdf
* The Sacred Magic of Abramelin Book 3.pdf
* The Secret Rituals of the O.T.O.pdf
* The Story of Alchemy and the Beginnings of Chemistry.pdf
* Thomas Spalding - Elizabethan Demonology.pdf
* Torrent downloaded from
* Waite Tarot.pdf
* Walter Carey - Master Keys of Life & Death.pdf
* What is the Tarot.pdf
* Wicca - Garnerian Book of Shadows.pdf
* Wicca - The Craft - Grimoire of Eclectic Magick - Version 1.pdf
* Wicca - The Craft - Grimoire of Eclectic Magick - Version 2.pdf
* Wicca - The Witchcult in Western Europe.pdf
* Wicca - Witchcraft Today.pdf
* William Blake - The Marriage of Heaven and Hell.pdf
* William Pelley - Beyond Grandeur.pdf
* William W Westcott - Introduction to the Srudy of the Kabalah.pdf
* William W Westcott - Numbers Their Occult Power and Mystic Virtues.pdf
You have all this to look forward to:
* A Borgia - Life in the World Unseen.pdf
* A Course on Tarot Divination.txt
* A Practical Guide to Witchcraft and Magick Spells.pdf
* A Reformed Druid Anthology - 02 - Books of the Apocrypha.pdf
* A Reformed Druid Anthology - 03 - Books of the Liturgy.pdf
* A Reformed Druid Anthology - 04 - Laws, Trivia and Calendars.pdf
* A Reformed Druid Anthology - 06 - The Green Books.pdf
* A Reformed Druid Anthology - 08 - A General History.pdf
* A Reformed Druid Anthology - 09 - The Books of the Latter Day Reformed Druids.pdf
* Al Azif - The Necronomicon.pdf
* Albert Pike - Morals and Dogma.rar
* Aleister Crowley - Collected Works, Volume I, Part 1.txt
* Aleister Crowley - Collected Works, Volume I, Part 2.txt
* Aleister Crowley - Collected Works, Volume I, Part 3.txt
* Aleister Crowley - Collected Works, Volume II, Part 1.txt
* Aleister Crowley - Collected Works, Volume II, Part 2.txt
* Aleister Crowley - Collected Works, Volume II, Part 3.txt
* Aleister Crowley - Collected Works, Volume III, Part 1.txt
* Aleister Crowley - Collected Works, Volume III, Part 2.txt
* Aleister Crowley - Collected Works, Volume III, Part 3.txt
* Aleister Crowley - Magic Without Tears.pdf
* Aleister Crowley - Magick in Theory & Practice.pdf
* Aleister Crowley - Meditation.pdf
* Aleister Crowley - The Necronomicon.pdf
* Alexandrian Book of Shadows.pdf
* Alice Bailey - Initiation Human and Solar.doc
* Alice Bailey - Letters on Occult Meditation.doc
* Alice Bailey - Light of the Soul.doc
* Alice Bailey - Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle.pdf
* Ambrose Bierce - The Devil's Dictionary.pdf
* Andrew Jackson Davis - Death and the After- Life.pdf
* Anonymous - Chaldean Oracles.pdf
* Anonymous - Etheric Vision and What It Reveals.pdf
* Anonymous - The Mystical Qabala.pdf
* Antoine Joseph Pernety - The Great Art.pdf
* Anton LaVey - Satanic Bible.pdf
* Ars Notoria - The Notary Art of Solomon.pdf
* Arthur Conan Doyle - Pheneas Speaks.pdf
* Arthur Conan Doyle - The History of Spiritualism I.pdf
* Arthur Conan Doyle - The History of Spiritualism II.pdf
* Arthur Conan Doyle - The New Revelation & Vital Message.pdf
* Arthur E Powell - The Causal Body & The Ego.pdf
* Arthur E Powell - The Etheric Double - The Health Aura of Man.pdf
* Arthur E Powell - The Mental Body.pdf
* Arthur E Waite - The Book of Ceremonial Magick.pdf
* Arthur E. Waite - Templar Orders in Freemasonry.pdf
* Arthur Edward Waite - The Pictorial Key to the Tarot.pdf
* Astrologers and Their Creed.pdf
* Benjamin Rowe - Enochian Magick Reference.pdf
* Bertrand Russell - A Free Man's Worship.pdf
* Book of Thoth.pdf
* C Hammond - Light from the Spirit World.pdf
* Cassandra Eason - A Practical Guide to Witchcraft and Magic .pdf
* Charles Fort - The Book of the Damned.pdf
* Charles G Leland - Ariadia or a Gospel of the Witches.pdf
* Charlotte Fell Smith - John Dee.pdf
* Christine Payne Towler - The Continental Tarots.pdf
* Clyde Irion - The Profit and Loss of Dying.pdf
* Continental Tarots.pdf
* Dame Gabby - A Tarot History Timeline.pdf
* Daniel Min - Interlinear Apocalypse.pdf
* Daniel Min - Planetary Awareness Technique.pdf
* David Blaine - Magic Revealed.pdf
* David Blaine - Magic Secrets.pdf
* David Blaine - Street Magic Revealed.pdf
* Dictionary of Celtic Mythology.chm
* Dion Fortune - Psychic Self Defense.pdf
* Dion Fortune - The Machinery of the Mind.pdf
* Druidism - Three Green Books.pdf
* E. E. Rehmus - The Magician's Dictionary.doc
* Eliphas Levi - Dogma Et Rituel Part I.pdf
* Eliphas Levi - Dogma Et Rituel Part II.pdf
* Eliphas Levi - The Key of the Mysteries.pdf
* Emanuel Swedenborg - Heaven and Hell.pdf
* Enochian Magick Reference.pdf
* Francis King - Technics of High Magic.pdf
* G. de Purucker - Occult Glossary.pdf
* Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz - Discourse On Metaphysics.lit
* Harun Yahya - Some Secrets of the Quran.pdf
* Harun Yahya - The Alliance of The Good.pdf
* Harun Yahya - The Day of Judgment.pdf
* Helen Blavatsky - The Secret Doctrine.pdf
* Helena Blavatsky - Anthropogenesis.pdf
* Helena Blavatsky - Cosmogenesis.pdf
* Helena Blavatsky - Nightmare Tales.pdf
* Helena Blavatsky - Occultism.pdf
* Helena Blavatsky - The Key To Theosophy.pdf
* Henry Cornelius Agrippa - Of Geomancy.pdf
* Henry Cornelius Agrippa - The 1st Book of Occult Philosophy.pdf
* Henry Cornelius Agrippa - The 2nd Book of Occult Philosophy.pdf
* Henry Cornelius Agrippa - The 3rd Book of Occult Philosophy.pdf
* Herbert S. Redgrove - Alchemy Ancient and Modern.pdf
* Illuminatus Trilogy.txt
* Intro To Tarot.pdf
* Introduction to the Tarot.doc
* J Farmer - 'Twixt Two Worlds.pdf
* J.F.C. Fuller - Secret Wisdom of the Qabalah.pdf
* John Dee - Primus.pdf
* John Dee - Secundus.pdf
* John Dee - Tertius.pdf
* John Yarker - The Arcane Schools.pdf
* Joseph J. Williams - Voodoos and Obeahs.doc
* Joseph Smith - The Book of Mormon.txt
* L.M. Bazett - Beyond the Five Senses.pdf
* Learning the tarot Spreads.pdf
* Magic and Spells.pdf
* Magick - The Library Of Knowledge.pdf
* Magick - The Order of the GBG.pdf
* Manly P Hall - The Secret Teachings of All Ages.pdf
* Maragret Vivian - The Doorway.pdf
* Margaret A Murray - The God of the Witches.pdf
* Mathers Tarot.pdf
* Max Heindel - Ancient and Modern Initiation.pdf
* Max Heindel - Message of the Stars.pdf
* Max Heindel - Teachings of an Initiate.pdf
* Min's Compleat Tarot Manual.pdf
* Min's Compleat Tarot Pak.pdf
* Min's Historical Calendar Of Jesus.pdf
* Min's Interlinear Apocalypse.pdf
* Min's Interlinear Nostradamus.pdf
* Min's Judicial Horoscopes.pdf
* Min's Light & Sound.pdf
* Min's Planetary Awareness Technique.pdf
* Occult - QBL or The Brides Reception.pdf
* Owen - Life Beyond the Veil vol 1.pdf
* Owen - Life Beyond the Veil vol 2.pdf
* Owen - Life Beyond the Veil vol 3.pdf
* Owen - Life Beyond the Veil vol 4.pdf
* Paul Foster Case - Introduction to the Study of the Tarot.pdf
* Phylos - A Dweller on Two Planets.pdf
* Randall - The Dead Have Never Died.pdf
* Reformed Druids - Anthology 02 Books of the Apocrypha.pdf
* Reformed Druids - Anthology 03 Books of the Liturgy.pdf
* Reformed Druids - Anthology 04 Laws, Trivia and Calendars.pdf
* Reformed Druids - Anthology 06 The Green Books.pdf
* Reformed Druids - Anthology 07 Miscellany.pdf
* Reformed Druids - Anthology 08 A General History.pdf
* Reformed Druids - Anthology 09 The Books of the Latter Day Reformed Druidss.pdf
* Reformed Druids - Anthology 10 Oral Histories.pdf
* Richard Alan Miller - Magical and Ritual Uses of Common Herbs.pdf
* Robert Peterson - Out of Body Experiences.pdf
* Rudolf Steiner - An Outline of Occult Science.pdf
* Rudolf Steiner - Knowledge of the Higher Worlds.doc
* Rudolf Steiner - Outline of Occult Science.pdf
* Rudolf Steiner - The Philosophy of Spritual Activity.doc
* S. L. MacGregor Mathers - The Tarot.pdf
* Sacred Texts - The Internet Book of Shadows.pdf
* Secret Wisdom of the Qabalah (Password - artephius).pdf
* St. John of the Cross - Dark Night of the Soul.pdf
* Tarot Book.pdf
* Tarot History.pdf
* Tarot Spells.rtf
* The Alexandrian Book Of Shadows.pdf
* The Book of Ceremonial Magick.pdf
* The Egyptian Book of the Dead.pdf
* The Egyptian Revival.pdf
* The Greater Key of Solomon - Book 1.pdf
* The Greater Key of Solomon - Book 2.pdf
* The Greater Key of Solomon - Order of the Pentacles.pdf
* The Kolbrin Bible- Books 1 to 5.doc
* The Lesser Key of Solomon - The 1st Book of the Lemegeton.pdf
* The Lesser Key of Solomon - The 2nd Book of the Lemegeton.pdf
* The Library of Knowledge - Occult Magic.pdf
* The Life Power.pdf
* The New Book of Runes.pdf
* The Roots of Witchcraft.pdf
* The Sacred Magic of Abramelin Book 1 & Intro.pdf
* The Sacred Magic of Abramelin Book 2.pdf
* The Sacred Magic of Abramelin Book 3.pdf
* The Secret Rituals of the O.T.O.pdf
* The Story of Alchemy and the Beginnings of Chemistry.pdf
* Thomas Spalding - Elizabethan Demonology.pdf
* Torrent downloaded from
* Waite Tarot.pdf
* Walter Carey - Master Keys of Life & Death.pdf
* What is the Tarot.pdf
* Wicca - Garnerian Book of Shadows.pdf
* Wicca - The Craft - Grimoire of Eclectic Magick - Version 1.pdf
* Wicca - The Craft - Grimoire of Eclectic Magick - Version 2.pdf
* Wicca - The Witchcult in Western Europe.pdf
* Wicca - Witchcraft Today.pdf
* William Blake - The Marriage of Heaven and Hell.pdf
* William Pelley - Beyond Grandeur.pdf
* William W Westcott - Introduction to the Srudy of the Kabalah.pdf
* William W Westcott - Numbers Their Occult Power and Mystic Virtues.pdf
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05 Nov 2007 02:00 #8835
Replied by on topic Re:Library - Grabbag of Occult Literature 1
LMAO, thanks a lot.
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05 Nov 2007 02:34 #8837
by Garm
Replied by Garm on topic Re:Library - Grabbag of Occult Literature 1
Wow, I'm familiar with David Blaine and a few of the other texts but...
well there is sooo much to check out.
well there is sooo much to check out.
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05 Nov 2007 18:03 #8872
by Garm
Replied by Garm on topic Re:Library - Grabbag of Occult Literature 1
I had some of Scott Cunningham’s work but I lent them to a friend and they were never returned. Oh well, mark it as knowledge spread and leave it at that.
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05 Nov 2007 18:18 #8873
Replied by on topic Re:Library - Grabbag of Occult Literature 1
IMO if something gets lost then there is a reason, maybe it is time for someone else to learn. But i think you already know that.
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06 Nov 2007 02:29 #8877
by Garm
Replied by Garm on topic Re:Library - Grabbag of Occult Literature 1
I like to see it that way myself. Wouldn't think anyone would keep them if they didn't enjoy them, besides with LM's (Br. J) list there is plenty to read.

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08 Nov 2007 19:11 #8949
Replied by on topic Re:Library - Grabbag of Occult Literature 1
Lenny wrote:
I know how you feel, I had a HUGE Witchcraft library, over 300 books, and many books by Scott Cunningham, and my ex stole it. He even stole all of my own writings & ritual tools along with everything else I owned to my name, however, I believe he will reap wicked karma for that, :evil: so, I haven't bothered to hex him.
It still makes me extremely angry though, so I just ask the Gods to take my anger and do what they will with it because I can't use it properly-as in without harming him that is.
As far as lending out books, I've had it happen that they were not returned aswell and so now- when I aquire a new library, I won't lend anymore.
I had some of Scott Cunningham’s work but I lent them to a friend and they were never returned. Oh well, mark it as knowledge spread and leave it at that.
I know how you feel, I had a HUGE Witchcraft library, over 300 books, and many books by Scott Cunningham, and my ex stole it. He even stole all of my own writings & ritual tools along with everything else I owned to my name, however, I believe he will reap wicked karma for that, :evil: so, I haven't bothered to hex him.
It still makes me extremely angry though, so I just ask the Gods to take my anger and do what they will with it because I can't use it properly-as in without harming him that is.

As far as lending out books, I've had it happen that they were not returned aswell and so now- when I aquire a new library, I won't lend anymore.
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08 Nov 2007 19:49 #8951
Replied by on topic Re:Library - Grabbag of Occult Literature 1
well the first book i got that really got me started on the path i am currently on, i even forget the book now, but i leant it out in high school to a person who was generally interested in learning what wicca and witchcraft really was, well, she never returned it and i haven't seen or talked to her for a long while now but i am not upset about that because she was really interested and i hope it helped her as much as it helped me. Also, i have this idea to open a new age store out here in cali and would like to have a small section where people can come and trade books so everyone benefits.
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09 Nov 2007 02:52 #8970
by Garm
Replied by Garm on topic Re:Library - Grabbag of Occult Literature 1
The first books on wicca that I had, were given to me by a co-worker. One day we were talking and the subject came up, and learning that I was interested she opened up, amitting that she had been practicing for many years, but kept very quiet because very few people understood. Anyway she gave me my first books because she prefered to not allow something like books come between our friendship. I always thought that this was a wise notion. These same books were among the volumes that were never returned. We live far away from each other now but still keep in touch.
On the subject of books and belongings taken in malice, we can always sit back and reflect on the threefold Law.
On the subject of books and belongings taken in malice, we can always sit back and reflect on the threefold Law.

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09 Nov 2007 14:09 #8992
Replied by on topic Re:Library - Grabbag of Occult Literature 1
Thank you Lenny:) You just made me feel a lot better and you're absolutely right:)
Anora: I too had everything I needed to start an occult shop and my ex stole all my stock aswell, I had made my own oils, spell & rite kits, spa kits, besoms, and I even had a photocopier for people who couldn't afford to buy the books they wanted, so they could just copy whatever they wanted from any book in the store for free. I also had incense, hand made staves and wands & stangs, altar & ritual tools, candles of many shapes and colors, ribbons, hand made sachets for aromatherapy and spell work, hand made poppets, herbs that i grew and dried myself, you name it, he stole it, and you know it's not the thieving that gets to me, it's the spiritual rape, the man intentionally stole every hope & dream I had, including the things I needed to secure a financially and spiritually fulfilling future for myself and my son, and all of my religious items to prevent me from practicing like i once used to. But I believe what Lenny said, and even though he's no Witch, he's not exempt from karma and the 3 fold law and I honestly look forward to hearing about what happens to him because of what he did to me.
Anora: I too had everything I needed to start an occult shop and my ex stole all my stock aswell, I had made my own oils, spell & rite kits, spa kits, besoms, and I even had a photocopier for people who couldn't afford to buy the books they wanted, so they could just copy whatever they wanted from any book in the store for free. I also had incense, hand made staves and wands & stangs, altar & ritual tools, candles of many shapes and colors, ribbons, hand made sachets for aromatherapy and spell work, hand made poppets, herbs that i grew and dried myself, you name it, he stole it, and you know it's not the thieving that gets to me, it's the spiritual rape, the man intentionally stole every hope & dream I had, including the things I needed to secure a financially and spiritually fulfilling future for myself and my son, and all of my religious items to prevent me from practicing like i once used to. But I believe what Lenny said, and even though he's no Witch, he's not exempt from karma and the 3 fold law and I honestly look forward to hearing about what happens to him because of what he did to me.

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