Aqua`s Art Gallery

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13 Jun 2016 17:09 - 13 Jun 2016 17:09 #244855 by
Replied by on topic Aqua`s Art Gallery
Push back the sleep:

S ilence my small bullet, I shall hold you
slowly aiding you, back to me
like a late recoil slowly surrounding me
a shock of illness reminds us all
push it back, push it back

calm down
and try to sleep
slowly embrace you, as I fall
on my kees, looking at you
my shock of illness
Aqua, 13-06-2016
Last edit: 13 Jun 2016 17:09 by .

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13 Jun 2016 23:23 - 13 Jun 2016 23:47 #244951 by
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The travel bundle I:

F ar below the shelter, waiting for a bus
girl meets me, starting a conversation
slowly I give a few words back
reminding myself quiet somewhere in my head
not my type, lets move away

45 minutes :pinch:
she was still talking
see my bus, move away fast
now compress myself, in a seat
looking out the window
Aqua, 14-06-2016
Last edit: 13 Jun 2016 23:47 by .

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14 Jun 2016 05:57 - 14 Jun 2016 06:22 #244989 by
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The travel bundle II:

S ee a silent body, slowly put in braces
man is walking, screaming and shouting
walking in circles next to his car
sitting in a bus I cannot go
middle of road, straight in front

cannot leave
I am forced to
watch it happen, stay and wait
it still screams, that what is
left behind for me
Aqua, 14-06-2016
Last edit: 14 Jun 2016 06:22 by .

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14 Jun 2016 17:09 #245050 by
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The travel bundle III:

W elcome to the Ameland, please do look around
see a tower, an old lighthouse
it is time to pick the bicycle
seek a place for a good break
I never expected, a silent day..

my neighbors
just riding past me
rub my eyes, am I dreaming
this is a, very small country
with many weird islands
~ Aqua, 14-06-2016

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15 Jun 2016 18:20 - 15 Jun 2016 18:31 #245145 by
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Eén keer anders voorbij de taalbarrière der ironie:

N u eens een keer wat anders, vandaag eens een keer uit de maat
laat mijn olielamp nu eens een nacht branden met omhoogstomenden wolken van euforie
zie de vermeende muur der buitenlandse taal langzaam verdwijnen samen met de afasie

in al mijn gezellig doordrenkte doeken, Zandzeepsodemineraalwatersteenstralen al mijn zorgen weg
Dat woord wordt niet meer gebruikt, en is al sinds MMV vervlogen, maar vergeten zal echter niet snel gaan..

geef niet op om eens anders te zijn, geef niet op om eens natuurgetrouw te denken
, en zie dat wat ons hart heeft veroverd, de eenige liefde om natuurgetrouw te blijven schrijven

Moge de kracht met jullie schijnen,
~Aqua, 15-06-2016
Last edit: 15 Jun 2016 18:31 by .

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16 Jun 2016 20:40 #245283 by
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Their self-expression of personal fear:

A sk me not again, choose between two roads
see group pressure, without inner voice
see the worlds tearing themselves apart slowly
decide to leave and they will follow
to give questions, with no hope

break myself
decide to leave them
explain free freedom, and open words
see their faces, screaming say no
feel their self expression
Aqua, 16-06-2016

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17 Jun 2016 11:33 #245319 by
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Digg out my tomb:

W hat cannot be lifted, will be lifted up
roll back and, push it out
feel the tomb filled with ancient dust
now try and remove the cover plate
sarcophagus of time, see my vessel

salt days
covered in my wraps
place it there, lock the air
close me in, see my tomb
far under the sand
Aqua, 17-06-2016

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17 Jun 2016 11:47 - 17 Jun 2016 11:49 #245321 by
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Sarcophagus of time:

S ee the old question, relive the past time
walk over it, and look back
beautiful morning glow coming over the hill
slowly crawling over all my lost words
walk back now, and understand myself

find me
under the morning glow
not only shame, not only doubt
see my tomb, covered with dust
time to open it
Aqua, 17-06-2016
Last edit: 17 Jun 2016 11:49 by .

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18 Jun 2016 19:15 #245475 by
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The three ape eyes:

T he eye of Horus, symbol of the guard
see the pain, and the love
when eyes and ears are both closed
when the mouth does not speak words
society lost it, my three monkeys

my statue
with three weird monkeys
covered in thoughts, I sit there
minding about myself, minding about apes
they do nothing, and say everything
because we know inside
Aqua, 18-06-2016

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18 Jun 2016 22:46 - 18 Jun 2016 22:53 #245501 by
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Dragon tea:

P lease sit over there, and take a cup
I like tea, the dragon said
the cup will be hard to hold
put it away and request to drink
take your cup, and nip it

dragon tea
fresh and always boiling
ask me again, to nip ones
way too warm, and it burns
but I will try
Aqua, 19-06-2016
Last edit: 18 Jun 2016 22:53 by .

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