I felt a great disturbance in the Force...

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09 Feb 2016 14:09 - 09 Feb 2016 14:10 #227373 by
...as if millions of voices cried out in joy and were no longer silenced.

Something hit me a moment ago. I got a feeling I haven't felt since... I don't know when. It was good. Better than that. It was great! I felt something positive shift in the Force, an encouraging sensation that everything is going well. The sun is shining here, both literally and figuratively. It's normally very cold this time of year where I live, but today it's warm and sunny. And I perceive that all is well with the Jedi.

All is well.

(I posted this at Jediism Way a few days ago, so forgive the delay in posting it here. A few people reported experiencing the same thing I did.)
Last edit: 09 Feb 2016 14:10 by .

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09 Feb 2016 14:14 #227376 by
Something good is happening. You're having a good day and have made mine better! I'm smiling. :)

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09 Feb 2016 14:18 #227377 by
Glad to hear it, Rickie :D

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09 Feb 2016 19:20 #227451 by
Thank you for making me smile , its a good feeling indeed :)

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09 Feb 2016 20:48 - 09 Feb 2016 20:49 #227487 by
It must be cookies. Thank you, cookie man!

But seriously, the positivity is fantastic :)
Last edit: 09 Feb 2016 20:49 by .

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09 Feb 2016 21:23 #227493 by Manu
Might be the happy energies of Imbolg

The pessimist complains about the wind;
The optimist expects it to change;
The realist adjusts the sails.
- William Arthur Ward

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09 Feb 2016 21:25 #227495 by
It's nice to read some heartfelt positivity, Streen. :)

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09 Feb 2016 22:49 - 09 Feb 2016 22:55 #227519 by
I must admit i haven't felt that for a long time. Most of the Time i have a really bad feeling that the force of this World is turning very dark. I am sadly having a hard time imagining a place in the World at the moment where millions of people will cry out in joy. Pain, fear and despair on the other hand would be much easier to find :/
The force is terribly unbalanced and it is threatening not only our existens as a species, but the entire world. I write this not to destroy your happiness, but to remind all that the World is in problems and that the mind easily Can be tricked into believing everything is fine to protect itself. As jedis we Are peacekeepers, we must through meditation and focus see past all illusions and observe the world from an objective perspective. Deceiving ourselves will only lead to our downfall :)

This is in no Way inteded as me passing judgment on anybody for being hapy, this is but my humble thoughts on this cold night :) sry for the bad english but it is not my native language :p
Last edit: 09 Feb 2016 22:55 by .

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09 Feb 2016 23:12 #227523 by
It is always a great feeling when you can sense the positive flow of energy. In today's word a lot of what is negative is shown to us on a daily basis. There is a lot of pain, suffering, and negativity that is occurring, yet there is also a lot of good that manifesting daily. It is the way of the Force that both the positive and negative both flow into the world.

The feeling you describe is something I feel in my heart whenever I allow my focus to be the Primal good that exist in all life despite the bad that also occurs. Thank you for posting such a positive message and as Jedi I believe we can help those around us by being positive sources of change in our surrounding environments.

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10 Feb 2016 00:31 #227552 by
IMHO Joy is our natural state. :)

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