Very new to the Order and am wondering

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22 May 2016 07:42 #241831 by
So I understand that Jediism has come under quite a bit of negative scrutiny since its inception but I've seen a few posts stating that we sort of "keep to the shadows" about our chosen religion. My question is: is this part of our doctrine? If so I must admit I am in disagreement with that as I believe that if a Christian or Muslim or Buddhist, etc can publicly show their beliefs and what religion they are a part of than why can't we? I feel like the more we bend to scrutiny the less likely it will be that we are more widely accepted. I welcome any to answer or discuss this point because I really want to understand

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22 May 2016 08:00 #241833 by
I live in a country where i can openly be a Jedi , people laugh at first but when they dig deeper into my motives they understand that i always wanted to be this person, same as i want to be like Spock , its what i believe in , logic and reason , but the other sides of me needed attention as well , i think we dont have to scream that we are a Jedi , but live that way. If you live like a Jedi you dont have to tell anyone do you , and even if you are a catholic nun you can still live like a Jedi , its complicated , i know , just do what feels right to you. I tell people , because i switched faith in a very unpleasant manner , so they understand where the new me is coming from ... :)

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22 May 2016 09:30 #241837 by
It is absolutely not part of our doctrine .

If people prefer to keep their religion to themselves, whatever that religion may be, that's their choice.

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22 May 2016 14:36 #241848 by
It's not a part of the doctrine explicitly or implicitly.

I personally don't talk about my Jedi beliefs using the name Jedi often. I call it "the Small Religion I belong to." I do this because I'd rather have people understand what I believe than get stuck on the name and misconceptions about what I believe.

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22 May 2016 17:13 #241852 by
I'm very open about my beliefs if it comes up. I say that my deity is Jesus but my religion is Jedi. It prompts raised eyebrows and, usually, more questions. Most people laugh at first, but when they hear my sincerity, they tend to respond with respect.

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22 May 2016 18:14 #241854 by Leah Starspectre
I discuss Jediism openly with some specific people. Namely those who I know are open about "non-traditional" religions/faiths/etc. But I think that the easy association of Star Wars with IRL religion freaks people out a bit. But if I think the person is open to the explanation of what Jediism is, I have no issues talking about it.

Not something I'd announce on my facebook, though, but something I'd discuss face-to-face.

I think the general belief is that your religion is your business, if you want to be open about it, then go ahead. If you want to stay "in the shadows," thats ok, too. :)
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22 May 2016 19:29 - 22 May 2016 20:24 #241857 by
It's not part of the doctrine.

All the people I interact with know is that I am interested in whatever is behind reality. They know that about me from the time they meet me because I ask tons of curious questions where most people don't.

Your examples of Christianity, Islam, and Buddhism are all beliefs that have been around for thousands of years. They are established and considered "real". Jediism is in it's infancy and a lot of people think Jediism is a group of stupid fans who don't know when to quit. Hopefully, one day it will be taken seriously, but it's still really early in the game, and we aren't compelled to convert people or be open about it, so our business is our own.

And who cares what I call myself, it's my actions that matter. If I do something dumb, do I really want to represent Jediism with it when Jediism is still so very, very young?
Last edit: 22 May 2016 20:24 by .

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23 May 2016 15:51 #241935 by
Thank you all for your input. Snowy, I particularly appreciate your point of view as I too wish to help and don't want people not coming to me because they question my sanity. I will certainly take the advice from all of you to heart.

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23 May 2016 19:38 #241975 by
It's also good to remember that the nature of Jediism lends itself to a very personalized experience, or "Path" as we like to call it. Calling oneself "Jedi" will have different meaning even for those inside these walls. Some consider it an addition to an existing faith. Others call it a philosophy rather than a religion. Still others incorporate Jediism into their lives as a way of living rather than anything to do with believing. Just ask anyone here what "The Force" is and you will see how varied the answers will be.

This is not a bad thing. In fact, it is why I love Jediism and have adopted it as my faith, but this flexibility also tends to create confusion for those not familiar with our Doctrine at this Temple or the Jedi community as a whole. To say you are Christian or Muslim or Buddhist implies a certain familiar set of beliefs that you hold. To say you are Jedi does not imply anything just yet.

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23 May 2016 19:58 - 23 May 2016 20:10 #241977 by OB1Shinobi
i dont actually find that it comes up that often

usually by the time it comes up i have some rapport with the person anyway

with that established, my experience has been that a big smile and a confident, playful intonation, makes the statement "im a jedi" perfectly acceptable

SOMETIMES i encounter people who dont establish an open familiarity with me, but still seem to think its really important to know what my religion is

in those cases it will depend on who they are, but generally if i am being pressed for details, i will explain that im as eclectic in my religious beliefs as i am in my musical tastes

and that i have collected up "the truths" that make the most sense to me as a person

and this collection has many different sources, which range from ancient mythology to modern psycho-biology

it gives me a chance to use obscure and impressive sounding words and phrases like "religious syncretism" and "the archetypal characterization that is associated with recurring patterns of human behavior" and "the fundamental attributes of BEING"

when people hear you using words and phrases like that, and expressing ideas like that, they will either think "hey this person sounds pretty smart, maybe i should hear them out_ shouldnt give them a hard time"


"omg youre going to hell and im going to tell you about it"

if they pick the latter i just leave lol

People are complicated.
Last edit: 23 May 2016 20:10 by OB1Shinobi.
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