Quel est l'importance de l'intuition chez un Jedi? / What is the importance of intuition for a Jedi?

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8 years 7 months ago - 8 years 7 months ago #205261 by
Le philosophe français Henri Bergson met l'intuition au sommet de sa pensée, et en fait l'égale de l'intellect. Voir le document en hyperlien ici (en français seulement, servez-vous de Google translation pour le traduire en Anglais): Bergson met l’intuition au premier plan .

La question que je me pose, en tant qu'invité au Temple de l'Ordre Jedi: quel est l'importance de l'intuition dans la vie d'un Jedi au juste?
For the French philosopher Henri Bergson , intuition at the top of his thought, and in fact the equal of the intellect. View document hyperlink here (in French only, use Google translation to translate in English): Bergson met l’intuition au premier plan .

The question I ask to myself (as a guest at the Temple of the Jedi Order) and to everyone reading this: what is the importance of intuition in the life of a Jedi exactly?
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8 years 7 months ago - 8 years 7 months ago #205263 by Edan
I'm afraid I honestly did not understand a lot of what was on that webpage.. but I can answer from what I know intuition to be.. (it won't be exact though!)

I think that intuition and reason should be 'friends'.. so to speak. Sometimes intuition can seem like just a random feeling, but it could also be the unconscious reminder of a previous experience or 'indicators' that the brain picks up on unconsciously.. such as when your intuition tells you someone isn't happy. If you're particularly compassionate or 'person orientated', you might 'intuit' a situation that another might not.

You have to take everything on balance...can I intuit the truth about something... perhaps.. but usually evidence is necessary to follow, and reason to appreciate the implications. Intuition might give me a hint, but I'll need to look further for the 'truth' of things.

How importance intuition is I can't really say, I would say awareness is more important.

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8 years 7 months ago #205270 by
Thanks for your response Edan.

Although it was not possible for you to understand the page about Bergson, you are still close enough to his thoughts ... ;)

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8 years 7 months ago - 8 years 7 months ago #205273 by Alexandre Orion
Encore qu'on puisse élucider sur l'importance de l'idée de l'intuition chez le Jedi, elle n'en reste pas moins important (ou pas) pour autant chez le Jedi que chez n'importe qui. C'est à dire, ce qu'on dit à l'égard de l'intuition, ce serait orchestré par raisonnement cérébral ; l'intuition, quant à elle, s'opère au niveau du feeling. Bergson menait une lutte contre le matérialisme quasi-dominant de son âge (à la Dawkins/Dennett de nos jours) qui voyait toutes les qualités de l'être humain en termes des interactions de la matière, la composition et la configuration du cerveau et du corps. Bergson montrait que ce concept est fondé sur 'l'espace' ou 'la géométrie' en dépit toute considération de l'aspect temporel. L'esprit, ou la Raison, se repose(nt) sur une infime partie de la mémoire du passé, tandis que l'intuition a comme source la totalité de l'expérience vitale à travers le cumul du passé. L'intuition est donc plus riche que la Raison, même la plus raffinée. Or, puisqu'on induit la valeur d'un raisonnement (voire l'utilité de la Raison tout court), celui-ci dépende presque entièrement sur la volonté dont se dispose l'agent.

Bref, l'importance de l'intuition chez le Jedi n'est donc pas moins que chez quiconque ; c'est que le Jedi peut être légèrement plus conscient de sa présence et de sa puissance. Dans le meilleur des cas, le Jedi se laisse cultiver l'intuition chez lui/elle. :)

"Intuitive ou intellectuelle, la connaissance sera marquée au sceau de la précision." ~ Henri Bergson, L'Energie Spirituelle

Be a philosopher ; but, amidst all your philosophy, be still a man.
~ David Hume

Chaque homme a des devoirs envers l'homme en tant qu'homme.
~ Henri Bergson
Last edit: 8 years 7 months ago by Alexandre Orion.
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8 years 7 months ago - 8 years 7 months ago #205280 by
Intéressant Alexandre Orion, je vois que Bergson fut l'objet d'études approfondies chez-vous.

C'est un philosophe que j'ai découvert longtemps après la fin de mes études universitaires en 1997. Cette découverte est arrivé dans ma vie intellectuelle comme étant une véritable révélation. Cela s'est passé durant l'été 2011, alors que je menais des recherches sur la question de la vérité chez les philosophes. Et une toute petite citation, de nature purement métaphysique, me jeta littéralement par terre. Je n'avais jamais eu l'occasion de rencontrer un philosophe aussi lumineux après Aristote, sauf Thomas d'Aquin.

La découverte de Bergson, fut une redécouverte du réalisme aristotélicien, mais avec une profondeur qui m'a transporté au-delà des nues, littéralement.

Sans me croire spécialiste de Bergson, j'ai tout de même passé à travers son oeuvre entière, en l'espace de quelque mois, et depuis, je laisse mon intellect et l'intuition digérer tout cela très lentement.

Lire Bergson et l'approfondir c'est du délice pur.

Merci de votre réflexion Alexandre Orion, très apprécié.
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8 years 7 months ago #205283 by Adder

Pèlerin wrote: The question I ask to myself (as a guest at the Temple of the Jedi Order) and to everyone reading this: what is the importance of intuition in the life of a Jedi exactly?

Thanks for the interesting links!! I'm enjoying the read, and for me it's about the crux of experiential duality which defines the (or one of the) boundary/s between the subconscious processing and conscious processing. I make that distinction between mind's to allow me to work with them... and do not mean to assert any particular truth in systematic terms of neurobiology.

I like to think that intuition & instinct are the result of subconscious processing which is able to process information on its own in the background (like most of the autonomic nervous system activity) but it can also process more complex reasoning on its own as well, both of which can to various degree's reach our conscious awake mind felt as things like emotion, intuition and instinct. I actually define emotion as subconscious thoughts which are deciding action, versus feelings as subconscious thoughts which are only an influencing effect on conscious thought.... and so instinct would be for me an example of a very high state of emotion as instinct tries to take control of decision making away from the conscious mind.

So perhaps like Edan, I view the benefit of intuition being in the realm of broader perception more generally like the raw sensory data instead of the refined product and, including perhaps like Alex, to include a greater connection to memories... though not all of them, perhaps just faster not broader.

In terms of experiencing these things..... I guess its like holding a candle, the flame burns hot and fast (the subconscious[experience of intuition,instinct,emotion,feeling]) while your hand only feels the warmth as it has to grasp the candle (conscious[waking thought/directed reasoning]).

A Jedi then, for me it is important to my Jedi path because the Force to me is in large part about unlocking that power of the subconscious.. or at least achieving a better synergy between my subconscious and conscious minds - to try and achieve a better sense of memory, interoception (health), proprioception (action), exteroception and capacity to exert intelligent reasoning.

Intuition is then an important part of it, but not so much as a form of perception in its own right, at least not fully trusted, but rather just another form of interaction between my subconscious and my conscious minds as another source of information to inform and power those listed areas of agency in temporal space.
That said... I do exercise it, and listen to it sometimes - as I do exercise it deliberately as integral to my Jedi path, but just more to seek out information which might be not readily available to my conscious mind at that point in time (generally speaking).

I think religions based around deities use the worship to package this subconscious power in a form of human to human relationship - resting in the conscious identity of self (eg, son) while building an interface with the subconscious capabilities as a rolemodel/god (eg. father) to try and derive benefit from that hidden power in the subconscious. Which I think has merit, but IMO a bit limiting.

Knight ~ introverted extropian, mechatronic neurothealogizing, technogaian buddhist. Likes integration, visualization, elucidation and transformation.
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TM: Grand Master Mark Anjuu
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8 years 7 months ago - 8 years 7 months ago #205314 by
Thanks Adder for your answer, very rich in terms of thought.

I apologize about my translation, I think in French and try to rephrase in English after.

Tell me if I'm wrong, but you seem to be saying some things I think for a long time:

That instinct is linked to will, emotions and to act. And that intuition is rather related perceptions of our mind, and that inter-acts with the reasoning, memory and term awarness.

Is this is what one must understand from some parts of your comments Adder?
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8 years 7 months ago #205324 by Adder

Pèlerin wrote: Thanks Adder for your answer, very rich in terms of thought.

I apologize about my translation, I think in French and try to rephrase in English after.

Tell me if I'm wrong, but you seem to be saying some things I think for a long time:

That instinct is linked to will, emotions and to act. And that intuition is rather related perceptions of our mind, and that inter-acts with the reasoning, memory and term awarness.

Is this is what one must understand from some parts of your comments Adder?

Yes I think that is an accurate reading of those parts. A very interesting topic, I'll be reading more of all this, thanks again!!

Knight ~ introverted extropian, mechatronic neurothealogizing, technogaian buddhist. Likes integration, visualization, elucidation and transformation.
Jou ~ Deg ~ Vlo ~ Sem ~ Mod ~ Med ~ Dis
TM: Grand Master Mark Anjuu
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