Hello Jedi
I wanted to talk about the Value of service to others. I think it is a core principal that I fallow as a Jedi. I have been thinking about service for a few days or so now. I will tell you a story. I had been having depression episodes for several days and had not been feeling much like myself. I have meditated and prayed and such but i could not shake it entirely. Last night I went out with a friend I have not seen in like 6 or 8 months. we went out for drinks then for mindnight food, While I was there I saw a man who had come in and ordered coffee and was trying to keep warm. He was homeless. I began to reflect on my past and how I had been so poor I wasn't sure I would be able to eat and how I was lucky to have people who showed me kindness and help me fix my life so I can be who I am today.
I was thinking on this and my depressed state and the words "A Jedi is to serve" came to mind, I asked a waitress to please take his order and bring me his bill. I did this because I saw a Human in need. No matter what his passed was or his circumstance or judgments people may have had of him, I saw a human who needed help. The reason I brought up my depression was that I have found that if I am depressed or angry I often will do something that can serve somone else and it helps refocus that negativity into a much more positive direction.
If you see a problem that another person faces and you can help to fix it even in a small way then do so. There aren't many problems that I or you as one person can solve but when we see one we can do something about we have a responcibility to do so.
We are Jedi we are supposed to serve.
Go be Jedi
May the Force be with you all.