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In today's age everyone wants a piece of the pie and it is a rather large pie with very tiny pieces. Questions are being squashed by free rights of others. Opinions are being turned against each other. Beliefs are corrupted and more and more we as human beings are struggling to remember the importance of base foundations. These modes of questions however are being presented with “Value.” “What is the Value of Minorities” “What is the Value of Religion.” “What is the Value of Gun Control.” “What is the Value.....” “Value” Indicates that we are searching for an overall worth of a thing or subject. Seeking out it's main importance and reason's why “We” (As a collective) should support or seek further into the “Thing” we are trying to place the determined “Value's” upon. The thing is. Subjects such as (but not limited to) Minorities, Religion, Gun Control ect ect are not “Things” we put a price tag on. Religion doesn't hold the overall Value of $1.25 cents Vs Gun Control at the rate of $ .50 cents. “Things” are not determined by an overall base “Value” but should be, instead, determined by [b][u]Your[/b][/i] own personal Moral Judgement. Instead of finding “Value” in the “Things” outside of yourself and your control. Perhaps instead we should learn to put more “Value” in ourselves. You. You....Are the most Valuable “Thing” out there. You. You have the beautiful ability to say “I believe in the importance of this 'Thing'” And no one else has to agree or be on the same page as you, because they and their own self “Value” does not determine your own. Instead of asking “What is the Value....” I feel instead, we should be asking ”How does this relate to me?” I understand, in a community one of the greatest gifts we get to partake in, is the discussion and sharing of ideas, viewpoints, and opinions with others. We can take these “Value's” and really roll them out on the table, analyze them and see where we can better improve our worth vs their worth. But at the end of the day, it is in how you value your own self worth that matters to you and the environment around you. This then leads into the most important question of all. What Value do you place upon, Yourself? This includes not only how you look, dress, behave and go about your daily life....but also, in what you choose to believe. Believe in yourself, and all other beliefs will hold the perfect amount of Value. ~Triss