Hits: 1929


 Today I bring you a sermon of action.


There are a finite number of moments in our lives, a finite number of goals we can achieve, and a finite number of times we can experience peace and joy. That much is certain. But, what remains uncertain, is the percentage of those moments, finite though their total be.


I am reminded of the great Stoic philosopher Seneca who wrote: “You are scared of dying—and, tell me, is the kind of life you lead really any different than being dead?” The Stoics believed that living fully, living to ones best potential, was the paramount “good.” In our creed, as Jedi, self-betterment is likewise key… however, the most fundamental aspect of our practice is the act of Service.


Jedi can be leaders, warriors, philosophers: but fundamentally, we are helpers, watchers, and guides—and when we lead, we do so by example. We help whenever we can, and we train ourselves to learn the all the ways in which our service affects the world. It is through our service to those around us that we most faithfully practice our creed.


Sometimes, our service is one of listening.


Sometimes, our service is one of speaking out.


Sometimes, our service is one of action.


Sometimes, our service is one of inaction.


Sometimes, our service is one of protection.


Sometimes, our service is to support others as they protect themselves.


Since we cannot peer into the murky future and ascertain the exact outcomes of our actions, we must strive to act, always, in accordance with our deepest self—and to become ever more aware of what our Self contains. We peer within and ask ourselves that most vital question:


“Who asks this?”


As our self-awareness builds, so does our service within the world takes on new forms. As we learn to let go of preconceptions we once held, as we learn to cast aside a need for action based upon aggression and competition, we begin to see our actions, overall, having a better effect within the world.


Going forth into your day, and the week ahead, remind yourself whenever strong emotions rise to pause. Pause and take stock of your Self, your body. If you become angry, what does that look like in your body? If you are depressed, how can you best raise yourself up and stimulate yourself to action? Remind yourself at every opportunity to ask “Who asks this?” or “Who thinks this?” and continue to build a bridge within yourself to a deeper level of awareness.


Then, take action in the world.


Today, do the following:



  • Dance for no less than the length of one song.
  • If you have the means, donate $3 to a charity of your choice. Or, share the donation page for that charity with friends and family, and leave a short paragraph about why it matters to you.
  • Pick one chore that you hate doing, and do it, today, as soon as you can.
  • Read one poem that you’ve never read before and reflect on it in your Journal.
  • Tell someone dear to you that you love them (yes, using those words), then do something small for them that shows them that you love them, in the love language they prefer.

Go forth and be of service, Jedi.


May the Force be with you, Always.






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