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Sermon 6/3/2012



"Undeveloped souls are merely unopened flowers. The perfect Beauty lies concealed within, and will one day reveal itself to the full-orbed light of Heaven. Seeing men thus, we stand where evil is not, and where the eye beholds only good. Herein lies the peace and patience and beauty of Love-it sees no evil. He who loves thus becomes the protector of all men. Though in their ignorance they should hate him, he shields and loves them."
James Allen, The Heavenly Life
I heard this the other day...
And it made me smile...
We have people around us, who make it tough to love them. They are surley, clingy, impatient, uncaring, selfish... You know the list, and possibly have someone in mind as I speak... 
lol, I know I do...
When will they "open" and experience these things which to us seem common sense? 
As I often say, "all things in their right time"...
We are all at various stages of "opening", no one stage is more perfect, more beautiful, than another...  While we appreciate the flower in full bloom, the bud must also be appriceated for its beauty...
Be gentle with these other flowers... Flowers are fragile, and can easily fall apart... They need love and attention to help them reach their potential... Some sunshine, maybe a little compost... lol...
We are all perfect... We just need to realize this, and not compare ourselves to the other flowers we meet on our paths...
I hope your week end has been terrific...
Good Luck...
And I hope you are enjoying your life's journey...
May the force be with You...