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Sunday Sermon


September 11, 2011


            Just about a year ago I wrote my first sermon for the Temple.  The topic of that sermon was Ethnocentrism, or discrimination.  That topic was based on the events surrounding the disaster that occurred on September 11, 2001 in New York.  Today marks the ten year anniversary of this tragedy and I hear many comments about remembering the people that died that day others talk still about what they wish to do to those responsible.  Others still believe the past should stay in the past.

            For me I still take the time to remember those that lost their lives that day as well as all the others that have served their country whether military, police, fire department, or E.M.S.  These are some of the most dangerous and often the lowest paying professions in any country.  The men and women that serve these positions put their lives on the line to protect the rights and safety of those around them.  For anyone that is reading this and, in one of these jobs I would like to send out a special thanks to you on this day.

            The object of writing today is to say it is ok to remember.  Allow yourself time to think about those who have gone before us and given their lives for what they believe.  Remember those that have forged the path of history for us.  This is not the same as dwelling on the past and holding on to those physical things that tie us down.  There is a line that we can draw if we allow ourselves to let go of the negativity of remembrance.  That is the hate that people still show ten years later.  The painful memories that if not let go will mold us into those filled with hate, anger, and fear.  Do not be held down by the past.

            I know this week’s message is short but it is sincere.  I remember this day for the fallen.  I remember the honor of those that serve others.  I remember my friends and family.  I also let go of the hate and sorrow that comes with these memories.