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tzb had a quote last week, and it was: 
"We like to be out in nature so much because it has no opinion about us." - Friedrich Nietzsche"
I love telling stories about, and being reminded of, how amazing nature is...
The weather just broke here and I was finally able to be outdoors for more than my employment... Which is outdoors, but I'm often fixated on the job at hand... Not so much "lovin' nature mode", lol...
Got the yard mowed, birds and squirrels fed, and first garden plants in the ground... Still have some chunks of trees to get cut up and hauled around back... I keep saying "Hopefully this week..." So, hopefully this week, lol.....
When I get stressed, I look at nature, and wonder how animals live with all the stress of life.. I ask how the rabbit deals with his worry about things...
Then I remember that life's stress, the stuff that we get so worked up over, is also man-made... ;)
That we shouldn't take it [life] so serious, and remember that "this too, shall pass"...
Just as the rain storms will pass, and the sun will shine...
The tree that doesn't bend, breaks...
Enjoy your week, it too will pass all too quickly...:)
May the Force be with you...