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So, these new themes came out a week or so ago, and I've been pondering "fickleness,  yet discipline"...

And wondering what to write on... Most of the time, I write on nature, it's easier, lol..

But not everything should be easy, right?


Fickleness - changeability, especially as regards one's loyalties or affections.

Discipline - train (someone) to obey rules or a code of behavior, using punishment to correct disobedience.

These are Google definitions, your results may vary, lol....


Recently, a friend and I are having a discussion (we still are) on a particular topic: "trust"....

And my friend was asking me why I didnt trust him...

I told him I did, but, as he was asking me for trust, perhaps he felt he needed MORE trust...

And, I am giving as much trust as I can, and still hold onto my ideals....

We all have ideas and "codes" with which we live... The Jedi Code being a binder of us that are in the Jedi community...

One of mine, is loyalty to myself and my ideals, not to change my mind, or do something, because it was asked of me by a friend or family member... But, that does carry more weight then if a stranger said "trust me" about something...

But to have a sound reason that I can live with, after all, people come and go in our lives, and we are stuck with the consequences of our actions as our legacy of how we see ourselves....

But trust is fickle, lol... People are fickle really, trust is an idea...

Regardless, inside of our 'fickleness', we have to maintain our 'discipline'...

I love my friend, and I think he understands where I am coming from now...

May the Force be with you...