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Definition of the status of "Temple Member"
A. Minimum age for a Temple Member is thirteen (13). For people under 18 years of age, parental consent must be obtained according to the regulations in force at the time.
B. A Temple Member must have completed a valid "Application".
C. The "Application" must have been duly processed by the authorities.
A. The status of "Temple Member" must be held according to regulations currently in force.
B. The Temple Member must have begun studying the "Initiate Programme" to the satisfaction of the authorities.
Definition of the rank of "Initiate"
A. The rank of "Novice" must be held according to regulations currently in force.
B. The Novice must have completed the "Initiate Programme" to the satisfaction of the authorities.
C. The rank of "Novice" must have been held for a period of at least 60 days.
A. Minimum age for an Apprentice is sixteen (16).
B. The rank of "Initiate" must be held according to regulations currently in force.
C. The initiate must have been apprenticed according to the regulations in force at the time the apprenticeship started.
D. The apprenticeship must not have been abandoned.
A. Minimum age for a Knight is eighteen (18).
B. The rank of "Apprentice" must be held according to regulations currently in force.
C. The A.Div level of the degree scheme must have been successfully completed.
D. The apprenticeship must have been completed to the satisfaction of the Training Master.
E. The apprentice must have taken a valid "Solemn Vow".
F. The Apprentice must have been knighted according to the regulations in force at the time of the knighting.
Definition of the rank of "Senior Knight"
A. The rank of "Knight" must be held according to regulations currently in force.
B. The B.Div level of the degree scheme must have been successfully completed.
C. The Knight must have been active in the Order prior to the promotion to Senior Knight.
D. The Council must have approved the promotion to Senior Knight.

Definition of the rank of "Master"
A. The rank of "Senior Knight" must be held according to regulations currently in force.
B. The Senior Knight must have achieved one of the following:
  • 3 Years of Service - beyond the initial rank of Knight - to the Temple (we’ll leave it to the candidate to decide what they consider “service”) OR
  • Completing a thesis to add to the Temple’s body of work
C. To receive a promotion to Master, the Senior Knight must have been active in the Order.
D. The Council must have approved the promotion to Master.
A. The Status of "Ordained Clergy Person" must be held according to regulations currently in force.
B. The "Ordained Clergy Person" must have held that status for at least three months.
A. For the purpose of holding the rank of "Temple Member", "Novice", "Initiate" and "Apprentice", registration with the youth officer amounts to a valid "Application" until the minor reaches the age of 18.
B. Minors can only hold clerical rank under the supervision of a "Clerical mentor" until they reach the age of 18 and have been mentored for at least three months.
Definition of the status of "Training Master" and "Teaching Master"
A. The rank of "Knight" must be held according to regulations currently in force.
B. The person must have gone through preparation for taking on an Apprentice to the satisfaction of the former Training Master.
C. If the former Training Master is no longer available then another Training Master, who has trained to Knighthood at least one Apprentice, may be substituted.