The TOTJO social group for our Texas members... For our Texas members but not limited to… This is a place...

The TOTJO social group for our Texas members...

For our Texas members but not limited to…

This is a place to plan meetings, gatherings, socialize and let people know where we are. 

Plan on passing through? 

Let someone know! 

We’d love to meet you. ,-39.023437&spn=71.614767,186.152344

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  •   Serenity Amyntas reacted to this post about 4 weeks ago
    I made these. It’s Texas, so it was bound to happen eventually. Not sure which I like more. Y’all be sure to stay cool.
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  • kevlar left the group
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  • Thaddox2020 joined this group
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  • Wreath-Joden joined this group
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  • JenWanSea joined this group
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  • Growthmindset93 joined this group
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