Hits: 823

I'm Finished!

If you have completed all of the exercises in the Initiates Programme then congratulations! You now need to inform an Intake Officer by sending them a Private Message telling them that you have finished all of the required exercises.

Once that is done they will inform the Knights and your journal will be read through and checked. If anything is missing or they feel you can expand on something they will ask you to do so, assuming this has not already been requested beforehand in your journal.

Once the Knights are satisfied, you will be added to the list of eligible Initiates awaiting Apprenticeship and your rank will be changed from Novice to Initiate to denote your status (assuming you wish to undergo formal training).


Patience is a lesson in and of itself. If you wish to continue training then it is very possible that you will have to wait a while before you get taken on as an Apprentice; it is possible that this time could take several months.

We do not live in a monastery and the Training Masters have other commitments so cannot spend their entire time training and teaching at the Temple. There are also more Initiates than available Training Masters so it is possible that you will have to wait until an Apprentice becomes knighted or ends their apprenticeship (if they decide that Jediism is not the path for them).

During this time we encourage you to remain active and to talk to different members. This could include begining Seminary Training within our clergy, doing some of the additional bonus exercises within the Initiates Programme, pursuing your own studies and posting your findings in your journal, and you can just take part in the many numerous debates and discussions that happen in the Temple which could include starting some of your own. A Training Master is unlikely to consider you as an Apprentice if you have not logged in for several months so activity is key.

If you do leave after completing the Initiates Programme then you can return at any time at the same rank and continue on your studies or be taken as an Apprentice like normal.

Final Remarks

We hope you enjoyed the material and learning you found within the Initiates Programme and we wish you good fortune in whatever endeavour you choose to undertake!

May The Force be with you, Always